2024 Group Fitness Timetable

What's on this week..

Monday - Powerhouse

AM - 6:00, 6:50, 7:40

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Tuesday - Engine Room

AM - 6:00, 6:50, 7:40

Wednesday - MetCon

AM - 6:00, 6:50, 7:40

Thursday - Powerhouse

AM - 6:00, 6:50, 7:40

Friday - Engine Room

AM - 6:00, 6:50, 7:40

Saturday - Community Sweat

AM - 7.30


Focuses on increasing muscle power and strength in the chest, back, shoulders, and arms through resistance exercises.

Community Sweat

A free class for anyone and everyone to attend. A full body cardio focused class guaranteed to get you sweating and your heart rate up.

Engine Room

Lower body  training focuses on intense muscle-building exercises targeting the legs and glutes for increased power and strength


MetCon, or Metabolic Conditioning, is a high-intensity workout combining strength and cardio exercises to boost metabolism and burn fat

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